Translator: Zoe Zeng

Cang Niuniu says

People always say that eyes are the windows of one's mind. However, some children in poor areas are lack of basic knowledge about health care like protecting and caring for eyes. When they have eye problems such as myopia, they can’t be corrected and treated in time so they suffer problems of poor eyesight in a long term. When talking about caring for children, we should let them have “free lunch”  and guarantee them a healthier life at the same time.

On January 8 of the new year, it was a nice day. The warm sunshine swept away the haze of winter so that people felt delighted under the blue sky and warm sun. The “good eyesight helps children” action group, which is formed by Carl Zeiss AG and members from The Eyes Hospital of WMU, Zhejiang Eye Hospital, made people feel at ease as well. 

They went to Guanmiao Primary School in Anhui province that day. These two hospitals are organizations that voluntarily helped test children's eyesight for a long time. AnD Carl Zeiss AG began to cooperate with FLFC in August 2014 aimed to help children who suffer eye problems. Before that, they had been to a school in Shanxi province.


Cooperation between Carl Zeiss AG and the eye hospitals is good. Doctors of the hospitals are responsible for the eyesight inspection and Carl Zeiss AG goes back to Guangzhou and makes every child an individually tailored pair of lens depending on each one's eye condition. Then it passes the lens to the hospitals to make frames and finally glasses are sent to school and be distributed to children.

After the action group arrived at Guanmiao Primary School, they saw cute smilling children. The head of Carl Zeiss AG said, “We left Guangzhou to schools in Anhui because we truly want to help children here.” During the free clinic, the professional and patient doctors provided children with free eye inspections and gave them a meaningful class about protecting eyes.

A doctor who participated in this activity told volunteers of FLFC, “Today we find out that some children’s eyes need treatment and it’s happy that we find out the problems in time and these children can be checked in hospitals among the best period for treatment.

In this eye care action, 5 children out of total 129 students of the school were found to have eye issues, including myopia, amblyopia, hyperopia, strabismus and so on. The “good eyesight helps children” action group promises that they will make the highly individualized correctional glasses as soon as possible and send them to children in time.

In addition to professional and warmhearted eye inspection, they brought children presents such as stationery, books, sports equipment, sweets and biscuits as well.