Can Niuniu says

   Hu Xia, a famous pop star in China, launched a public welfare activity in Chinese social medila Weibo(like Twitter), taged #do it with Hu Xia#, which was responded and supported actively by massive fans. Were the fans worthy of a thumb up? What are you waiting for while they have already taken actions?

On Feb. 6th, 2015, Hu Xia started the public welfare activity #do it with Hu Xia# on his micro blog by posting the following words:

The minute the micro blog was published, the shrimps(name of Hu Xia's fans, because the pronounciation of shrimps in Chinese is similar to that of Xia) responded actively from micro blog to Tieba, a site of Chinese Tech. Compnay Baidu.



Full of fans` best wishes and love~

Can Niuniu has to admit that many hands make light work and Hu Xia is highly popular among people. Do you feel warmer deep insideby passionate response from shrimps

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In this way, your kindness and love are received and will be deliverd to       children for you.

At the end, Can Niuniu wishes Hu xia a happy birthday in advance!