2015.01.12 The news of cooperation between Little Iron Man and Free Lunch was released for the first time.

2015.01.27 Recruitment post of the first Free Lunch Public Welfare Walk activity was published.

2015.01.31 The first group of  Little Iron Man make solid steps for Free Lunch in Houtan Park

The Free Lunch public walfare walk were held three times successfully till February 9, 2015. Led by the Little Iron Man parenting coaches, 94 kids walked 6 KM and completed the task. As a result, we will use the subsidy of 6204 yuan to provide free lunch for poor students of Meihu Elemantary School. The activity gets a lot of focus during two weeks, which makes the Little Iron Man team more confident. We will upgrade four parts after the Spring Festival to make this children-involved welfare activity more interesting and get more participants.


As a routine activity of Little Iron Man Parent-Children Club in 2015, Free Lunch public welfare walk activity will be released in a quarter calendar. Notice: the dates marked the sign of "love" are for personal registration, others for groups.


It is not wise that children in different ages play the same game in one activity, because they have distinvtive features of their age. As a result, we redesign the Action Game so that every kid can enjoy the pleasure of public welfare, For the segment of drawing Love Cards for kids in poor rural school, we will use some creative ways to maatch the good thoughts of big kids.


The check work of both Minhang Sports Park and Gucun Park has been completed. More comfortable pedestrian roads and innovative activities are waiting for you in many big parks of Shanghai in the sunny Spring. After activities held in Houtan Park, we welcome kids to give their helping hands to participate in activities in Minhang Park. Let's enjoy  different sceneries but  the same kindness and love.


Children's mutual help is the theme of the Little Iron Man public welfare activities. Kids should play major roles in this activity, therefore, we launch the Little Propagandist Training Plan, which will organize the first training course in March, please pay attention to

1、We recruit public welfare ambassadors who participated in this activity once, aging in 5-14.
2、Volunteers of the Free Lunch will train them in hosting, public speech ability, organizing activities, etc..
3、Chileren will act as propogandists of the Little Iron Man public welfare walk, and tell those who first take part in this activity details of it.

4、Children have the duty to promote this activity in class meetings about public welfare or parent-child gatherings to let more children know about the situation of their peers in rural areas.

Tips:  Registration starts on 17 Frebruary, please pay attention to the public wechat account of Little Iron Man parent-children club.

You are the one we are looking for

【Public welfare walk starts again, gatthering in Minhang Park】 6KM walk in Spring, 66yuan donation for one schoolchild's free lunch. We are waiting for you.

The Little Iron Man plan is on the way

Dengfei, a well-known journalist, appealed for nearly 500 his peers , dozens of major domestic media and united China Social Welfare Foundation to launch the plan of Free Launch for Children, which encourages peopleto donate 3 yuan for a poor child's lunch. Over 110.5 million yuan, openning 433 free lunch schools, which helps children free of hunger and enjoy free steaming lunchs, this movement has  direct  effect on the nutrition-improving plan of State Council for students in compulsory education in rural areas.

This plan aims to let more people know situations of those poor schoolchildren who have the same dream as other kids, and get more people help them.



66yuan= one-month lunches of a schoolchild

donation of 66 yuan= a qualification of participating in this activity

66 yuan, passing more people's kindness and warmth

The Introduction of Supported Schools 
⇧ Meihu Elementary School is located in Zhitan Town, Fuliang County, Jingdezhen City of Jiangxi Province. there are over 80% stay-at-home children who have to have lunch at school. bringing food by themselves, but the food gets cold at noon. 


 The gate of the school
 The classroom of the school
How to Participate

Every family can donate 66 yuan named by their kids, which means one child's best wishes to another. The donation, the fee for this activity, will be remitted to the schools which have qualifications of getting donation.Please focus on the Wechat, Microblog account of FLFC or log on the Website of FLFC if you want to know more programs.  

The Details about the Activity






09:00/13:30 闵行体育公园☆集合☆,一定要准时到哦
09:10/13:40 ☆热身、分组☆,我们是士气高涨的小兵,指导员的集结号让大家信心满满
09:30/14:00 ☆徒步☆开始,☆闯三关☆游戏等待你们来挑战,爱心游戏让孩子和您的距离更近,让孩子更懂爱;
11:00/15:30 回到起点,☆制作爱心手册☆,我们会为每一位乡村小朋友制作一本专属于他的册子,在上面写上或画上你的祝福吧,在探访乡村学校时,小铁人俱乐部会把册子亲手送给乡村小朋友的。
11:20/15:50 ☆拍照留念☆,这么有纪念意义的事儿为自己留个纪念吧。
11:30/16:00 结束






STEP1:  免费午餐官网包校页面:http://www.mianfeiwucan.org/donate/charity-desktop/,找到江西省景德镇市浮梁县峙滩镇梅湖小学,点击学校名称进入学校页面(如下图)。您可以点击捐赠按钮进行捐赠,也可以扫描页面二维码支付(支持微信和支付宝钱包扫码捐赠),请您捐赠时留下您的姓名及邮箱等联络方式以便我们和您联系。


STEP2:  付款后,请将付款成功页面截屏微信提交给小铁三(微信号:15221607752)


STEP4:  可收藏此界面,学校募捐进度将会实时更新。同时,小铁人公众号将会定期公布款项使用情况。
