Translator: Zoe Zeng

66 yuan = a month's lunches for a schoolchild

Donate 66 yuan = Gain the qualification to participate in the public welfare walk

Public welfare walk delivers the kindness and warmth of 66 yuan to more people.


Public welfare walk and Little Ironman are on their way, joining hands withFLFCin starting new public welfare plans in 2015.

Little Ironman Parent-Child Club aims to let more people know about the children who suffered from hunger through every public welfare walk, and it is not complicated to lend a hand. We wish people can give a helping hand for the children who are also full of innocence,eager for knowledge and the beautiful world.

Funds raised of this activity will be donated to: Meihu Primary School, town of Zhitan, Fu Liang County, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province.

How to perform public welfare

The family which joins the Little Ironman Public welfare walk will donate 66 yuan to offer a poor schoolchild a month's lunches in the name of the child . It is full of kind wishes from one child to another.

After donation, families can get the registration link for the public welfare walk.

Places of the activity

Parks and green fields in Shanghai. The first chosen places of the activity are The Houtan Expo Park, Mingxing Sports Park and Gucun Park.

Places of the activity in Beijing and Cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are undetermined.

The form of organization

Little Ironman will donate the funds to target school directly through the official organization of FLFC, meanwhile, donations will be used transparently with the help of the unique information network in era of micro messages. You can follow the Wechat and the Weibo account of FLFC, or visit the official site of FLFC for further information.

The way of signing up

Personal common enrollment: activitie from March to June, 2015 accept enrollment for two time periods—morning and afternoon. We will hold the activity twice a week. And as long as the number of the team reaches 25, we are ready to go.

Special enrollment: we welcome classes, schools, parent-child organizations and personal customized reservation. Please contact our customer service staff. The Wechat of Little Ironman: 15221607752.

Please see table below for the exact time:


Steps of enrollment

STEP1: Click the words “Little Ironman Parent-Child Club Public Welfare Walk” in the right side, then enter into the page “Meihu Primary  School, town of Zhitan, Fu Liang County, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province”. This school is the target school of the activity and its detailed information is written in the page. You can click “DONATE” to donate by Alipay or use Wechat and Alipay Wallet to scan the D bar code to donate. Please leave your name, email and phone in the donating page so that we can contact you.

STEP2:  After payment, please send the Wechat page of the successful payment to our customer-service staff. Our Wechat account is 15221607752.

STEP3Please send the activity information and your children’s wishes for village students in the Moments of Wechat to let more families join us. You can also send the screenshot to our customer-service staff to get the link for enrollment. Our staff will arrange the time for your children to participate in the walk according to the chronological sequence of the sending.

STEP4:   Favourites this page and the process of the donation will be updated. At the same time, the Wechat of Little Ironman will publish the use of the donation regularly.

The introduction of Little Ironman Parent-Child Club

It is an energetic team which aims to improve the environment of Chinese parents and children and encourage children and parents to accompany each other, do exercises actively and grow up together. It develops and accomplishes a series of creative parent-child activities. It aims to build their bodies, enrich their minds, let them use their knowledge, explore the unknown, improve interpersonal interaction, promote their ability of teamwork, create harmonious parent-child relationship and think about life by experiencing, practicing and gaining. Hundreds of activities have been held since it is founded. More than 3000 families were serviced and more than 100 substations of middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens were established.