On 26th April, Mountain Outdoor Club of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics

organized the 4th Foshan Sanshui 50km Philanthropic Hiking, and Free Lunch participated in it as the only designated partner. The total free sale fund  was ¥1680.7, ¥2.3 collected by volunteer, which was the cumulative donation for 561 free lunches.

We divided volunteers into two teams, one for free sale, the other one for hiking accompany. Free sale team took charge of the booth, distributed the books for propaganda, and the hiking accompany team was busy for hiking propaganda. The loved people can donate through QR scan and paid in Alipay. 

Sanshui rainy morning can’t stop volunteers and participants' persistence and passion.

Look, the volunteers were arranging the field

At 8 am, after Free Lunch booth was arranged, the participants gradually arrived at the starting point Yun Dong Hai square.

People in front of Free Lunch booth were eager to know about it 


At noon, the full collection box

Children’s smile faces were our greatest momentum

Softness Changes China 

Helping children avoid hunger is our common wish

How great the world is ! I don’t want to miss every good smell

Display of raising fund collection

The photo of volunteers

Volunteers voice:

Lulu:  Many people expressed they want to know about Free Lunch in hiking, and trusted us. Maybe they can’t realize more about Free Lunch at short time, but I believe one day they can see the Free Lunch news from TV or other path, and will remember what we do today, and trust us more.”

Junda: “I really benefit so much, philanthropy with help others and self, power of action , step by step. Thinking is about the past, but actual doing leads change.”

Indeed, no action , no change. Like the initiator Mr. Deng Fei of Free Lunch wrote in Softness Changes China: Great love warms heart, softness changes China. We always believe the power of action, and only action can bring change. That’s what we do .

We came across lovely children who donated, the loved man asking for QR scan, and some people who would like to join Free Lunch. Thanks to all volunteers, more people can know about the idea of Free Lunch.

The committee will donate a free lunch from the participants' application fee, with 1000 people joining the activity. Besides, the committee will make good use of the fee and display the financial statement, promise that except for deducting the activity cost (including materials, propaganda fee , gifts fee , volunteers allowance, ect) , the rest will be donated to Free Lunch.

Finally, thanks again for the organizer Mountain Outdoor Club of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics

Appendix:  Introduction of Sanshui 50km philanthropic hiking

Sanshui 50km philanthropic hiking was organized by Mountain Outdoor Club of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics (Originated “Guangdong Business College”), the government , enterprises and philanthropic agencies  as public downtown long-distance hiking, which has arranged for 3 times since 2012, with over 3000 cumulative participants and fund collection in total 84762.6 RMB. It aims to let participants build environmental protection awareness by healthy walking, discovering the beauty of Sanshui, and join in the social philanthropic program.   

Activity idea: leading to a healthy life, action in environmental protection, attention in philanthropy