Launching time: 2015-05-11 Author: Free Lunch For Children volunteer team in Guangzhou

Translator: Yanhua Zhong


It has been raining for a week in Guangzhou, which seems to be unsuitable to go out. But sometimes if the trip is full of special meaning and pleasure, who cares about the weather? “Who cares”, these two words redefine the phrase“rain or shine”.

There have been five primary schools which are sponsored by Free Lunch For Children (FLFC) to offer 

free lunches to students in Guangzhou. The first place that we visited is Songdong 

primary school in Meizhou, and our visit today started in the rain and wind.

On May 7th, we started from Guangzhou at 7:30am in the Flying Park, and arrived in  Meizhou around 2:00pm. After resting for a while, we arrived at the school and started our visiting of the first day.

These five children are the whole dormitory girl students in the school. Since we arrived, they greeted and followed us. They talked to us with curiosity and shyness. They told us that they also watched the program “Running Man”.


On the early morning of the next day

Our seven volunteers started to divide our research work.


When we learned about the condition of the FLFC from the children, they were very serious with a speechless vision of loveliness9.jpg

Children in the group photo 



That day was also the visiting day of Asian Golf Charity Tournament, so we welcomed 

the distinguished guests with school teachers and students together.


Volunteers and children were welcoming the distinguished guests 


Under the light of colorful fingerprints and bright red vests, our morning’s tiredness  disappeared


The smile of children is said to be the most magical and contagious. It is true. When we played 

with them after lunch, they all have a sweet smile which inadvertently reminded us of the meaning of free lunch to them.
