Translator: Annie

The June 11th, it is a wonderful day of Beijing. On that day, a group of volunteers was going to Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province to deliver rice for the children.

The volunteers of Jingdong Food, Jingdong Public Welfare and COFCO delivered the first batch of rice (ten thousand catties) which was raised by the public welfare activity—Love Is a Fragrance to Xiejiabao School District. 

The volunteers became the cooks of the lunch on that day. They used the rice to cook a delicious lunch for the children and had a sweet and special interaction with the children.

At the scene of rice's arrival, teachers and volunteers pulled together to unload the rice.

The teachers and volunteers to distributed the lunch for the children. 

The children enjoyed the lunch and they ate more for the tasty rice.

The volunteers and the teachers took photos together and encouraged more people joining the them.

March 30th, Jingdong Food, FLFC, COFCO initiated a public welfare activity with unique feature of E-commerce. That was Love Is a Fragrance, which encouraged donating rice for ten rural schools. Jingdong cooperated with its rice suppliers and the appointed branches donate one catty of rice for every 200 catties of rice's selling. They plan to donate ten thousand catties of rice to a school. 

Jingdong food always hopes to bring fresh and high quality food for the users and at the same time, it also hopes the students in rural areas can eat nutritious and healthy food. Jingdong public welfare takes an active role in exploring to output innovative energy for the public and public welfare organizations. They are trying to realize the dream.

This is the origin station of Love Is a Fragrance. It will last to the end of 2015 and other 9 schools will receive the rice for the dosage of a year gradually. 

This is also the first online public wlefare project of Jingdong which lasts for ten months. It is the model of E-commerce public welfare project.

“Love Is a Fragrance”to buy rice for the children.