Wen, a grade one student of Hongtupo Primary School, waked up 6 am in the moring and walked 6km to school with rice that her grandmother prepared for her.  During lunch, Wen asked some water from her teacher to go with her rice. This is not a speical day for her, and she is not a special case here in Hongtupo Primary School. The Hongtupo Primary School is located in Gansu Province Lanzhou City Southern Yumu Town Eryin Valley. This area has poor environmental condition and economic development,  is a national provery town. The area offers little food for children to bring from home. In the summer, when the field is busy, even children who live close-by couldnot go home.  Therefore, leftover rice with water is very common amongst kids.


(on the wall: united work-hard polite honest)

simple gate, simple slogan, and simple wishes to not starve


kids never give up on schooling for insufficient food

Principal of  Hongtupo Primary School want to invite everyone to help us deliver hot free meals to our children.  We are looking for 79 donors to match our need to feed 79 children (including couple school staff). Feeding one individual costs 1320 yuan (about 250 US dolar), in total 104280yuan (about 18960 US dollar).



Monitoring our work:

School has Xinlang Weibo to be monitored by the society. Mealwhile, thrid party monitors will be check up on schools irregularly.

1. School will announce progress on weibo daily

2. Free Lunch for Children has montly report on official website

3. Free Lunch for Children has project progress report from every school per semester

4. Donor please apply to be aded into qq group: 1207666; password: 红土坡

Other ways to participate

Check out our online charity store http://mianfeiwucan.tmall