Recently, the first creative doodle fill match for children named “Colorful, Drawing Interesting Cars”, which was held by Hunan Dahan Auto Company, came to an end.

Since the beginning of the match, many creative entries were sent by 143 caring children who came from Changsha, Loudi, Yueyang, Shaoyang, Huaihua and other districts. These caring children used their imagination to travel around the world of color. Their entries demonstrated their own interest world with beauty car of curved eyelashes, warm heart car with smile and romantic spot car.


Childen drawing on the scene

Hunan Dahan Auto Company donated ten thousand Yuan in order to combine the warm heart of these children with Free Lunch for Children. Small love transmitted huge kindness. A present with summer love will be given to children who are in need.


Winning children were accepting the prize.

Below were excellent and creative entries with imagination of children from many districts.

