On Sept. 9th, the first charitable day in China, Niu Niu started a new series named "Changes" about Free Lunch. This series recorded the changes about the kids after Free Lunch Program came to village schools.



Wen Na, who got talipes equinovarus before but is cured now, studies well in her school

Although the "Hope" on the step is really eye-catching, Wen Na in the front is more attractive.

The photo she's holding in her hand was taken four years ago. The little girl in the photo used to have talipes equinovarus. This disease was caused because of the fetus getting affected somehow, with which the baby would have walking problems when he or she grow up. We can still see how inconvenient it was for Wen Na to walk through the photo.

Wen Na's home is in Wu Dongde town, Kunming, Yunnan province. Four year ago, little Wen Na had to cook for herself and wash clothes for herself. It's about 5 or 6 miles to school and she had to walk step by step. "My brother studies at a school in the county with my mom, only my dad is at home with me." She learned to endure everything since her mom left her when she was so young.

“Peel the potato first, then wash it and cut it into small pieces. Put some woods in the hearth and some oil in the pot. When the oil is heated up, add the potato in. After three minutes, add some salt into it. Then it would be ready to eat.” That's what Wen Na's life was like before the Free Lunch Program came to her school.

Four years is fast for a kid who's growing. Wen Na's in middle school now. She studies well at school. But there's no Free Lunch Program anymore. However, her life has changed since the coming of Free Lunch.

With the help of Free lunch volunteers, Wen Na was able to have surgery and her talipes equinovarus was cured. Now, she's just like other kids who can walk and run in the sunlight. Changes bring hope to her and other kids as well.

Maybe, that is how love has made changes in China.

