Three days of the"99 public welfare" has finished,but the wave of love has not receded.

During these three days, you offer love and kindness to children in the mountain which you never meet before. 

You are gentle,kind,merciful and innocent.Because you trust these unfamiliar kids and us.Thank you!

Here you see, if you missed the "99 public welfare" or you would like to invite more children to eat lunch, why not find another place and let’s continue?  

Because, this time, Niu niu would like to invite you to join us and let’s invite elementary students in Sanlipeng Village , Xie Jiabao School District,Zhuolu County of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province to eat free lunch together for a year, would you like to come?


                                                  School Profile

Why we chose this school ? Not so much that we chose this school, as it is these children, chose us.

9-year-old girl Xiaoxia, lives in Chen Taiwan village, Da Henan Town, Zhuolu County of Zhangjiakou City,Hebei Province.Her school is six kilometers away from home., In a long period of time, due to the long distance and lower living-standards,her lunch is  cold white rice or potatoes bring from home in the early in the morning when she goes to school, or even nothing.  

In this school, there are a lot of students like xiaoxia.

San Li Peng village primary school, founded in 1965, located in Zhuolu County,which is  provincial level impoverished county. Due to the remote location, poor natural conditions, weak economic foundation, the villagers rely on farming and go out to work for a living, the majority of children living in poverty, lack of care, so they are generally small and slim.

In 2013, Free Lunch program and county government work together to offer children free lunch,.By using "local ingredient" ,they cook steaming hot lunch for children.

These children have a simple wish: Free Lunch can stay with them forever.

In the city,Jing Dong public welfare heard children’s voice of this wish.

In this year’s "Children’s Day" , jingdong public welfare, jingdong food and Fulinmen rice joint together to organize the "fragrance for love" activity. They sent rice to primary school such as Sanlipeng in Xie Jiabao district. children eat the rice better because of it.

There are more children than Sanlipeng students can eat these rice.

In 2015, Jingdong welfare, Jingdong food and Fulinmen  Rice launched fragrance for love" activity together.If customer purchase ¥200 products,they will donate 0.5 kg rice to those primary school which is supposed by Free Lunch .And they totally donate  50  thousand kilogram rice! At that time, more children can eat these  white rice with Sanlipeng children.  

Present rose to others with remaining fragrance at hand.This time, our "fragrance" is also a big benefit.

If you are a fan of  Yao Zhang,who palys the role of blunt Weijuan Li in movie ‘For Youth’ helping  Sanlipeng children for Free Lunch, you may have a chance to visit those children with her .

Tomorrow, maybe you will buy something on Jingdong.If you can readily open Jingdong Crowdfunding page and  join us to offer free lunch for those unfamiliar children,I think this would be the reason to make tomorrow better .

Perhaps you want to act now?

Join the activity of “fragrance for love”activity,pleae click:

Information for Sanli peng school,please click: