On the 16th of November, children from Zhanda Central School of Shitai County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province were very happy, as soon as the bell of noon rest rang, they rushed to the canteen and queued up for lunch. From today, they could start having Free Lunch at their school every day.

The first important thing Zhaopu did, who was the famous compere of CCTV, after his dimission was to invite children from his hometown to have free lunch. As one of the joint sponsors of Chinese Rural Children Joint Public Welfare, Zhaopu sent at least two-year free lunch to children from Shitai County, Anhui Province,together with hometown enterprise Cowin Ruto.


 【Zhaopu was providing lunch for children in the canteen of Zhanda Central School of Shitai County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province】

“I come from Anhui, I want to send free lunch to children from my hometown.”On the night of 6th September, one of Zhaopu’s micro blogs attracted people’s broad attention. Several days later, he delivered his promises and went back to his hometown Anhui. His idea of bringing FLFC public welfare project to hometown won active feedback from Shitai Government.


In no time, Cowin Ruto, the local enterprise of Anhui as well as the cooperative partner of FLFC, also attended the team of “sending free lunch to children” and donated 1,000,000 Yuan for the development of FLFC project in Anhui.


【The award ceremony of Cowin Ruto’s donating for school’s free lunch.】

This is Cowin Ruto’s second donation as cooperative partner of FLFC, who has donated more than 2,000,000 Yuan in all. What’s more, Cowin Ruto raises money and delivers loving heart for schooling children in poor areas through various ways. On the 9th September, the first public welfare day of China, Tencent public welfare opened “Donate together” link and sent all the Cowinmen to raise lunch for county children.


After nearly two-month interview and investigation by staff of FLFC project, the first seven schools had been decided to start FLFC project, which were Dayan Central School, Fantan Central School, Ketian Central School, Xintian Central School, Xiaohe Central School, Zhanda Central School and Liudu Central School.

“1735 students altogether from the first schools will be the first to have healthy and delicious free lunch, when the operation is in order, other schools will be examined and approved and FLFC can cover all the county.”The county magistrate of Shitai, Wenjing Zhang introduced.



【Children were enjoying the free lunch.】

On this lunch-opening day, Zhaopu, Dengfei, who is the initiator of FLFC, and journalists from tens of Anhui and Central media came to Shitai County to attend and witness the opening ceremony of FLFC of this county.

Zhaopu, who was born in Anhui, announced at the opening ceremony that, “The reason for I went home and do public welfare is to solve problems in my hometown first and then put ourselves in the place of another, solving more trouble of left-behind children in China.” After the ceremony, Zhaopu along with a music teacher from Anhui Art Professional College gave a music lesson to children.


【Zhaopu was interacting with children in Zhanda Central School of Shitai County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province.】

The initiator of FLFC, Dengfei, said that serving lunch in the seven counties was just the first step of our action. Apart from “Jianghuai Morning News”, we also got support and attendance from “Xin’an Night News”, Anhui Channel of Renmin Net and several enterprises. We hope steady model can be made as soon as possible to cover all the primary schools of Shitai County, furthermore, try to enter another six national-level poverty-stricken counties.

After the opening ceremony, Dengfei and his staff went to investigate the tourism and agricultural product resources. They hoped that E-agriculture Spring Electronic Business platform could help sell the agricultural products, let children’s parents go back to hometown and solve the problem of left-behind children from the root.


【From left to right: Famous compere, Zhaopu, initiator of FLFC, Dengfei, the county magistrate of Shitai, Wenjing Zhang and general manager of Cowin Ruto, Zhaorui Zheng】



4月2日, 由邓飞联合500名记者、国内数十家主流媒体、中国社会福利基金会发起免费午餐基金公募计划,倡议每天捐赠3元为贫困学童提供免费午餐。自2011年4月正式启动至2015年9月底,募款已超过15925万元,累计开餐学校达到471所,帮助孩子们免于饥饿,享有热腾腾的免费午餐,更直接影响国务院启动实施农村义务教育学生营养改善计划,大规模改变中国乡村儿童营养状况。


凯翼汽车以“年轻、创新、本真”的态度,致力于打造“年轻人喜爱的智能互联汽车”。一直以感恩回报社会为己任,充满热情投身公益事业,将社会公益作为长足发展的重要组成部分。在品牌建立之初,凯翼汽车就携手知名公益人士邓飞,与社会福利基金会免费午餐基金管理委员会签署了“免费午餐”战略合作捐助计划,又联合 “春蕾计划”公益机构,开展了凯翼汽车春蕾系列公益活动,帮助失学辍学儿童重返校园。
