Sources from: Jingdezhen’s Volunteer Team; Edited by: Qinzi Yin

Rather than an excellent individual, there is only a cohesive team. Once that someone asked a philosopher: “how to make a dripping not become parched?” The philosophy answered: “Put it into the sea.” This short conversation demonstrates a profound truth that individuals and others are dependent on each other, and only with support from a team would they have infinite power.

If lacking support of the team and collective wisdom and efforts of members, we cannot overcome obstacles. Even if you make full use of your energy, the day that energy would be parched finally when you go away from the team. Gathering together in the Free Lunch volunteer team, is like dripping into the sea and they would not be parched and soundless lubrication .

I am An An from Jingdezhen which is a thousand-year-old ancient city of china. I am a journalist of the CIDU Evening News Agency and the president of the volunteer association in Jingdezhen.  Also as one of the initiators of Free Lunch and first core volunteer, I accompany FLFC through the five years of wind and rain. During these years, I have led the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team to the most remote areas and helped raise lunch for children in need. Activities include visiting, budgeting, raising, and supervising. We work together regardless of situations. Free Lunch was born with love, and we would take it with us to warm others in the way we move forwards.


My mind will emerge a rural children innocent smiling face when I eat delicious lunch. Because they can have hot lunch and feel so hot love. As the first batch volunteers of Jingdezhen area Free Lunch, I have found more and more loving companions in my side. FLFC has become lighting up our life journey of a heart lamp which guides us to find promising, understand love, convey warmth. I am fire of CIDU, drip of water of Evening, I am Chen Junqi that I pride a volunteer of FLFC.


I am Lanying Wu, from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. As a psychologist and a volunteer, I used my camera to record the situation that children in remote mountainous regions enjoy  their free lunch which warms my heart. I know that Free Lunch not only offers hot food for them, but it also creates a hopeful future for them. We would work harder and make contributions as much as we can in the future.


I am Yuanjun Wang coming from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. Five years ago, I participated in an opening day of the first Free Lunch’s school in Jingdezhen that made me realize that there are still so many children from low-income families. It is extravagant hopes for them to have enough lunch. From that time, I determined to try my best to help them. Nowadays, the number of Free Lunch’s schools in Jingdezhen has increased to six. Due to Free Lunch, children grow up healthily and strongly. They also become more optimistic than ever before. Free Lunch not only solves their problems of food but it also makes them feel the love and bless from the society, which creates a better childhood for them. Happy birthday to Free Lunch’s fifth anniversary and hope every child could have lunch instead of starvation.


I am Wenhua Zhang. I am a volunteer of the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team and is a diehard member of the volunteer association. Free Lunch led me to be a volunteer and left me with a deep impression of “small action with great love”. Every time I am in Free Lunch’s schools and children enjoy their tasty lunch with smiles, I feel that Free Lunch means hopes and happiness to children in remote mountainous regions. Because of this charity, I make myself happy when giving a hand to others. I will try my best to devote myself to Free Lunch and charities. Happy birthday to Free Lunch’s fifth anniversary!


I am Hongying Xie from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. As a teacher and a volunteer, every time I see photos and records of children left at home only with grandparents, I feel that I should do something to care for their health. When I raised funds of Free Lunch for the first time, I got CNY 2814.22 and won an award of Housailei from the headquarters, which made me so proud of myself. Although Free Lunch just offers children with hot lunch, it also brings warmth and hopes for them. I am so happy about that! I hope that more volunteers will join Free Lunch, and it will become better and better.


I am Deming Li from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. It was nearly one year ago when I first got to know Free Lunch and I knew that Free Lunch offers both hot food and hopeful future to children. It also represents love from the society. Later, we will work harder to do as much as we can for “Free Lunch”. We hope more and more people would join us to deliver great love with small action. Happy birthday to Free Lunch’s fifth anniversary!


I am Sun Weihua from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. It is my pleasure to take part in Free Lunch’s fifth anniversary in Hangzhou. As  a volunteer in the railway transport workers Party menber, when I join in FLFC's visiting poor students in mountainous areas, children safety education and so on , I am always moved by moving scene that children are eager to get knowledge and enjoy free lunches with appetite. Only we have love, we take action to do, it will give children more and well lunches and big meal of spirit. In the future, I will be the purpose of serving the people of each person, serving FLFC this great admirable loving welfare. Happy birthday to Free Lunch’s fifth anniversary from my heart!


I am Liping Hu from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. As a teacher and a volunteer, when I see photos and records of children left at home only with grandparents, I feel that I should do something to care for their health. When I raised funds of Free Lunch for the first time, I got CNY 2366 from 76 people in a few days and won an award of "Housailei" from the headquarters, which made me so proud of myself. Although Free Lunch just offers children with hot lunch, it also brings warmth and hopes for them and brings me infinite happiness! I hope that more volunteers would join Free Lunch and FLFC would become better and better.


;I am Lanfang Hu from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. As a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, a moral model in Jingdezhen and a volunteer, when I see those photos and records of children left at home only with grandparents, I feel that I should do something to care for their health. Although Free Lunch just offers children with hot lunch, it also brings warmth and hopes for them. I hope that more volunteers would join Free Lunch and it would become better and better.


I am Xiangqin Wang from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. As a journalist and a volunteer, when I use a camera to record the situation that children enjoy their free lunch with appetite, my heart is warm. I know that Free Lunch not only offers hot food, also offer a hopeful future to children. We will work harder as much as we can for FLFC in the future.


I am Ting Peng from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. As a kindergarten teacher who come from the rural area and a volunteer. It makes me impresses a lot to know these volunteer of Jingdezhen. When I use a camera to record the situation that children enjoy their free lunch with appetite, my heart is warm. I know that Free Lunch not only offers hot food, also offer a hopeful future to children. We will work harder as much as we can for FLFC in the future. 


Hello, everyone. My name is Zhiguo Liao from the Jingdezhen’s volunteer team. I am a volunteer. It was Free Lunch that led me to be a volunteer. Every time I am in Free Lunch’s schools and children enjoy their tasty lunch with smiles, I strongly feel that Free Lunch means hopes and happiness to children in remote mountainous regions. Impressed by the k “small action with great love”, I bring warmth to others because of charity. At the same time, I will try my best to support Free Lunch in the road of welfare. Let’s unite and contribute ourselves to Free Lunch. Supporting President Anan is to support our entire group. At last, happy birthday to Free Lunch’s fifth anniversary!


I am Chen Ouyang from Free Lunch’s team. Till now, it has been almost one year since I knew Free Lunch. When I chanted the slogan of “small action with great love”, there were many friends fund of charities around me to respond. This is the cohesion of love with no doubt. When children enjoy their lunch with smiles, I feel that I am comforted and excitation. I will move forwards with my companions along the way. Let’s carry on with this love through the end!


Hi, everyone! I am Bin Xiong, a student of Jiangxi China Craft Art College and a volunteer of Free Lunch. I wish Free Lunch a happy birthday of the fifth anniversary. Free Lunch is not only about a meal problem but it also shows love and energy delivery from the society. For us, maybe lunch is just an issue of to eat or not to eat. However, there are many children suffering from starving around us. Due to poverty, having lunch becomes a problem for them. No matter who it is, you might be touched by their bright eyes. Many caring people work hard for this program of Free Lunch to help more children. Free Lunch conveys a spirit of inheriting generation by generation. It is such a simple love delivering. Why not do it by ourselves? Let’s action!


Introduction of the Jingdezhen’s Volunteer Team

The Jingdezhen’s volunteer team is one of the first Free Lunch’s teams established in the country. Volunteers are from the volunteer association of Jingdezhen and journalists of Cidu Evening New. Accompanied by them from 2011, Free Lunch has been operated over five years and created love miracles. There are over five hundred volunteers in the association, and they participate in different process of Free Lunch including visiting, budgeting, raising, implementing, and supervising. The Jingdezhen’s volunteer team has won the first place of the national fund-raising activities called little loving painters, and it won the second place of the national 99 charity day. It is awarded excellent volunteer team every year, and its volunteers are awarded excellent volunteers. The Jingdezhen’s volunteer team promotes and implements Free Lunch’s operation, it is also the implementing team for children charity programs such as children safety, Nuanliu Plan, and Shisui Action.

Contact us: Jingdezhen’s Volunteer Team, QQ group number: 236393882




Let’s inspire from the formation of the word “people” and be in a grateful heart to treat people around you. Then the world will become colorful due to each of us, and we will be successful due to others’ support. 

Although Free Lunch’s volunteer team has been through many obstacles, volunteers always stand together to face difficulties no matter how hard they are and make the team strong. We young people should choose a team for our own development and belongings. We should combine our values, missions, and future with the society’s tendency and our country’s benefits. Based on these, we could grow in the team and become pillars of the society.


