
Article edited: Chen Xunzhu


Niuniu said: At first Niuniu was formed because of a simple kindness. Niuniu grows under the care of so many people and the effort they put into it. Niuniu enlarges to most part of China now, bringing happiness to more children.

Niuniu always get greetings from friends. They wonder if the children have enough to eat, do they study hard, is their clothes warm enough, do they grow taller…

Niuniu decides to start her journey, she’s going to visit the children with all the greetings from her friends. And she will reflect about the children’s living condition when she comes back.

Walking through mountains and rivers, villages and counties, Niuniu appears in Guangxi this time.

Dacao Elementary School locates in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hechi city, Tian’e county, Yimu township, Dacao village. Tian’e county, is subordinate to Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, located in Guangxi Northwestern, upstream of Hongshui River. Yimu township located in the southeastern of Tian’e county. Although Tiandong Road passes through it, Dacao Elementary School located in the deep mountain. It’s desolate and the transportation is not convenient at all.


The road to school is narrow and winding.


Dacao Elementary School is surrounded by mountains and trees.



We are so happy to see that the student cafeteria is nice and clean.



We can see the hard-working cooks through the window.


The menu for the week is printed and hanging on the wall, the kids would know clearly about their lunch each day.


At the same time, we want to make sure the food that the kids eat is safe and healthy.



The storeroom is nice and clean, everything is placed in order. This shows that school cares about the kids’ lunch.



No matter of which kind of cooking utensils, all of them are clean. We are so happy for the kids and glad they have such good cooks.


Keep a sample of the food. It’s not only being responsible for the kids, but also being responsible for ourselves. Only by following each rule, the lunch for the kids is assured safe.


Big kids, small kids all wait in line to get their lunch, a good habit will accompany with them for a life time.


The volunteers are distributing food for the kids. However, it seems like the food loses to the camera.





The lunch is love. The kids are eating happily, we are happier than them.


Filling their stomachs first, then they can focus on studying.



Management execution is the basis of FLFC carrying out correctly. Being responsible for the kids is being responsible for ourselves.


To see that the kids are having healthy, fresh and safe meals, the effort we put on the way is not a big deal anymore. We hope the kids will grow up healthily under the shield of FLFC, and embrace their bright future one day.

The pictures are form the visit to Dacao School on April 11th, 2016