On the National Day’s Eve, the volunteers of Free Lunch went to Ming Jue Elementary School in Mengshan Village, Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province. The school is the first school named after Hwang Chi-yeul, a popular Korean musician. In the following two years, the children in the school will become the beneficiaries of Free Lunch Organization.

On 30th of September, Flame, a group of fans of Hwang Chi-yeul and also members of Free Lunch Volunteer Group 7102, visited Ming Jue Elementary School. They not only bought worth of two years ‘free lunch of donation for the children, but also cook delicious lunch for them. What’s more, they provided a first-aid tutorial to the students and teachers. Lastly, they established and improved the Chi-yeul Library for the students.


Free Lunch Volunteer Group 7102 sent love and free lunch to the children in Mengshan


Volunteers are preparing gifts for children


Students are lining up for lunch in their bright and spacious cafeteria





The delicious and comfort food makes students happy and leaves them precious memories


Volunteers bring gears of tennis, badminton, volley balls, basketballs and other sport gears to the students




The smile on students’ faces light up the world of volunteers


Volunteers established the first Chi-yeul Library in Mengshan. Students can now spend their spare time here.



During the visit to a student’s home, the volunteers decided to donate 200.00 CNY per month to support the student

It’s the first time for Public Welfare Group 7102 to meet the students in remote area. Members of the Group come together for the love of their idol, Hwang Chi-yeul, and also for public welfare. They cooperate with Free Lunch Organization this time and send free lunch and hopes to the students in Mengshan. The Free Lunch Organization is appreciate to see that the youth, like those of Public Welfare Group 7102, share their love to the society. The organization believes that more and more volunteers will join us to send free lunch to more students in need and to free the students’hunger.