A Thank-you Letter to Parents of Full-time Free Lunch Workers

Uncles and Aunts:

Happy New Year! I am Deng Fei. This is an e-farm new year present, a box of agricultural products from remote countryside that I would like to give to you as a token of my regard. I hope you enjoy it.

In the past year, 2014, your kids went to many places where there were a large number of needy children and people. We are grateful that you cultivate such a wonderful person who is diligent, upright, kind, enthusiastic, willing to help strangers and sympathetic to others injustice, penury and despair. Your kids are busy working, unable to keep you company at home and receiving average salary. I would like to thank you for your understanding and continuous support of your son’s or daughter’s chosen career.

Its a demanding and low-paid job but we have trust, dream and everyday is meaningful to us. What is more, we have discovered our missions, responsibility and courage; we are assembling, pursuing, exploring and advancing. And our hearts are filled with happiness.

Last year, we enabled 90 thousand country kids to have lunch, 250 thousand to have health insurance and hundreds of thousands of children to receive care packages. Numberless unattended girls were awakened to the possibility of violence, so rapes reduced rapidly. We also uncovered that certain people provided illegitimate children with household registration illegally. Some villages which suffered disasters obtained safe water; miserable migratory birds had our protection. It took us more than three years to establish public welfare communities for country children in China, including 11 projects and e-farm social enterprise, which cover all three aspects like children, environment, economy of rural areas.

This new year we moved our united office to Hang Zhou. We can rely on the high development of the Yangtze River Delta area and support rural areas more powerfully by Shanghai-Kunming high speed train which crosses cities and countryside. In the meantime, we start living a better life and grow up together like family members. I am an ordinary person, without might or fortune but I will take care of every mate as much as possible, support them to get happy marriages, warm families, decent incomes and to realize their own dreams.

In this lunar year, all things prosper. I wholeheartedly wish you health and happiness. If it is possibleI would like to invite you to the villages that we served, to see and share the love and beauty of countryside as well as the reconstruction of Chinese rural areas. A more wonderful country needs efforts of several generations. Let’s try harder together!


Deng Fei