Translator: Annie 

Said by Canniuniu:

A few days ago, on the scene of 4th anniversary press conference, the host said that she had seen the best-looking attendees on this press conference. Their beautification of mind comes from inside out, which made them both beautiful and young. The flourish development of FLFC cannot be separated without our donators, volunteers, schools and education department. Today, Canniuniu invite them to be on the front of the scene and introduce them.

Outstanding Volunteer

刘婧 Liu Jing

She comes from Jiangxi Province and she now works for a foreign company in Shanghai. She is an optimistic, confident and independent girl. Because of the book Soft Changes China written by Dengfei, she came into contact with FLFC. Although she realizes the wealth gap of China, she never know that there are still many children suffer from hunger. After reading the book, she felt shocked and moved and she decided to do something for the children. Therefore last April she logged in the official website of FLFC to learn more about FLFC and joined the translate team of FLFC official website. After that she gradually took part in some off-line activities in Shanghai.

She thinks that what she had done is not enough, but she hopes that she can try her best to do something that she is able to do.

孙英 Sun Ying

She is a cost member. She came into contact with FLFC on Weibo in 2011 year and began to donate money from that time. In 2012, she joined in FLFC Hunan family with the help of Caojie. During these two years, her families experienced from doubt to support and her friends gradually took part in it. It is a gain that we have the friends from all over the country. We also realize the meaning of the sentence that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

于秋萍 Yu Qiuping

On March 17th , 2014, she took part in the autograph session of the Soft Changes China of Dengfei in the Wuhan Chongwen Bookstore by chance. That was the first time that she had come into contact with FLFC formally and she hope to try her best to provide the children in poor area with lunch guarantee. Then she joined Hubei FLFC family soon and felt countless friends walk with her. They contribute themselves for the children’s future together. Now, she has been a volunteer in FLFC for 1 year and FLFC has been run for 4 years. She believes that she will walk further on the way public welfare and FLFC will also send nutritious lunch to more children with love.

李威然 Li Weiran

Li Weiran, a member of Liangfan Team in FLFC southwest area. He was born in Xuancheng, Anhui Province. He participated in voluntary work many times. 4 years ago, he concerned with FLFC when it established. Last year, he touched with a photo took in Yangshiping Rural Primary School in Sangzhi County. After that he joined in FLFC and became a member of the team. 

刘玉梅 Liu Yumei

3 years ago, she browses Dengfei’s Weibo and learned something FLFC. Then she entered the charity shop in Tmall and started butting operation with the school of FLFC when she was muddleheaded. In these 3 years, she persists to today with both pushfulness and resignation. She hopes that she can continue to work with this collective together and contribute herself to FLFC.


He is a Xinjiang partner of Beijing FLFC Foundation. He was selected as an outstanding volunteer in FLFC public welfare activity.

高竹林 Gao Zhulin

She comes from Xichang City, Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. FLFC of Liangshan, Sichuan started in April, 2011 and she joined the team in September, 2011.

In these 4 years, Gao Zhulin dropped in many local schools following the staff of FLFC. She help the suitable school submit applications materials and investigated the executive condition of supervisory schools after applying successfully. She also distributed the materials that the netizens donated. 

Now the school participated in FLFC in Sichuan has been up to 109 and there are more than 80 schools in Liangshan. Gao Zhulin said she was happy and appreciated that FLFC brought the changes for the children in Sichuan, local villagers and the appearance of the villages. She deeply and roundly knows more about her hometown by FLFC.

In 2012 there was an earthquake happened in Ya’an. Gao Zhulin worked in Lushan, Ya’an for a week and she passed love to more people.

Message from Gao Zhulin: The warm will not change as the time goes by. Happy birthday to FLFC.

叶建新 Ye Jianxin

In August, 2011, Ye Jianxin, who is work on printing in Guangzhou, donated bookmarks and postcards to FLFC for charity bazaar and publicity and then he officially became a volunteer of FLFC. In January, 2013, Ye Pan, Wang Jintao, Xie Jun and he established FLFC Guangzhou Volunteer Team and participated in team building. He took charge of the overall plans of execution of 5 schools of FLFC in Guangdong. His proudest thing is that he can help more children in rural area and make friends with such caring companions. 

杜宇燕 Du Yuyan

People in FLFC may much familiar with her another name, Du Xiangxiang. As a junior student, she became a volunteer of FLFC when she was a freshman. During these years, she was a school butted volunteer in Jiangxi execution region at first. Then she worked as a group leader of Guangzhou Propaganda Group. At the same time, she also was the group leader of execution group of the second region in Sichuan. In addition, as a student in Nanjing, she is the leader of FLFC Jiangsu university student station. In these years, 6 universities in Nanjing held charity bazaars and publicity activities. She said she was not only belong to Jiangxi, Guangzhou, Sichuan and Nanjing, but also a FLFCer.

封苗苗 Feng Miaomiao

She conducts as crazy as her name. She joined FLCF in 2013 and her major work is data statistics. She adores a sentence that what the personality you are, what the friends you make with. You will become the same kind of persons because you are mutually influence. Because of love, I made friends with people in FLFC. What is public welfare? Public welfare is to help people in your own ability.

林如馨 Lin Ruxi

Her hometown is in Fujian Province and she can speak standard mandarin. Now she studies in Wuhan. She joined FLFC in the summer holiday of 2014. She works as a public account editor. She thinks that it is fate that she can help FLFC in her ability. What impresses her most is that what you give up is what you enjoy.

Donation Representatives

They never ask for anything in return. Their greatest wish is that children can live without hunger. If there were angel in the world, we may know what angel looks like when we see the donators.

战先生 Mr. Zhan

He donates 30 yuan every day in FLFC Tmall shop since December 11th, 2011. Now all the money he donated has been up to 36538 yuan.

游云庭 You Yunting

On December 28th, 2014, the money collected from the public welfare collection project FLFC Small Good Big Love of Alipay was more than ten million. He was the donation representative.

郝景振 Hao Jingzhen

He was the donation representative of public welfare collection project FLFC Small Good Big Love of Tencent platform. His wife Liu Yu accepted the award awarded by the secretary-general of FLFC Foundation Administrative Commission of China Social Welfare Foundation on behalf of him. 

邓小玲 Deng Xiaoling

Long-term donator of FLFC

The story between Mrs Deng and FLFC: Lunar New Year’s Day in 2012, I browsed Sina Weibo one by one, suddenly, I found FLFC, it is an organization aims to solve children’s food problem in rural area. Then I donated 10000 yuan according to their donation way. The holiday was over soon, I mobilized my team member to donate their first salary after Spring Festival. Since then, I am persistent to donated this charity project.

Now I am still the follower and supporter of FLFC and China Rural Kids Care and I am also their voluntary propagandist. I ever talked about FLFC with the stewards of the plane and hope the airline stewardess can concern with stay-at-home children. To my delight, my daughter is honor to be a voluntary propagandist of Free Birds and the LOGO designer of Hope Farm.

I hope that FLFC can walk better, further and help more people in need.

The Best Execution Companion

新晃县教育局 Xinhuang Education Bureau

They are lovely persons. They are willing to give up rest for the children. They discipline themselves for the children. They are the supporter of the children and the companion of FLFC.

They support FLFC roundly and guard the whole county safe. Xinhuang Education Bureau is the best companion of FLFC.