As a kid who is left behind by his parents in the countryside, what kind of dream would he have in his childhood? During the four-years-long foundation of Free Lunch, we had visited 23 provinces, met 130 thousand students. They had been more focused on their dreams by the support of a warm lunch.

What is the dream like in an artist's eyes? Tian Yuan, a promisig sand art artist, who is called "Sand storm girl" by the media, uses sand to show us the dream of the kids who are left behind by their parents in countryside.


"Sand storm girl" while creating

On April. 25th, 2015, the fouth birthday of Free Lunch, Tian Yuan showed the guests who attended the celebration that wonderful sand animation above, which was also so touching and warm. This was not the first time Tian Yuan supported Free Lunch. In April, 2013, she had created a sand art work to celebrate the second birthday of Free Lunch. The video was showed on the website of Free Lunch and the first page of Free Lunch's public store in Taobao, and was used by the media. The click rate of this video reached 1.52 million on Weibo--Chinese microblog website like twitter the first day when it was posted.

The sand art work of Tian Yuan for the second birthday of Free Lunch